Sunday, 8 May 2011

LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera TTL Interface

Description: The LinkSprite JPEG color camera allows you to capture and output JPEG images through UART, making it easy to integrate into an existing design.
Note: Cameras purchased before November 01, 2010 output RS232 serial data, so you will need a level converter if you plan on connecting it to an Arduino or other microcontroller. See the related items for an appropriate converter. Cameras purchased after this time are use a TTL interface.
Note: These only work reliably with a 5V power supply, even though the manual states they can work at 3.3V.
  • VGA/QVGA/160x120 resolution
  • Support capture JPEG from serial port
  • Default baud rate of serial port is 38400
  • 5V power supply
  • Size 32X32mm
  • Current consumption: 80-100mA

 using (var camera = new LinkspriteCamera(new SerialPort("COM1", 38400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One)))
                //DoSuccessFail(camera.Reset, "Reset successfull", "ERROR resetting");
                //DoSuccessFail(() => camera.SetPictureSize(LinkspriteCamera.SET_SIZE_640x480), "Size change successfull", "ERROR changing size");
                //DoSuccessFail(camera.Reset, "Reset successfull", "ERROR resetting");
                DoSuccessFail(camera.Stop, "Stop successfull", "ERROR stopping");

FEZ Library:

Sample pic

Bad point

The camera doesn't have a white balance and the pictures are half color and half BW ( outdoor )


Yasir Tahir said...

Can you please provide the full sample code of LinkSprite JPEG camera TTL interface for arduino?

d9frre09ds0ds said...

You can find it on the website of LinkSprite :)